Sissy and Jodi
John, You Went Too Far This Time

Before her acting career vaulted off, Sissy was one of those cutie sixties teenaged flower girls trying to get a break. Lennon had remarked during an interview that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus, and everyone knows the backlash that ensued. Sissy recorded this lilting, folksy treatise against Lennon’s

I recall you turned me on with “Pepper”.
The tour we took with “Lucy” was a trip I won’t forget!
And John I loved you when we both wore flowers,
But putting down your guru brought confusion and regret.
John I love you
But you went too far
This time
La Vie Ces’t Chouette

From a movie made in 1977 titled “Moi, Fleur Bleue” and released only in France, Jodie, at her teenaged height of virginal innocence, declares that she is looking to get her cherry popped (actual dialog). Like I said, released only in France. I don’t know French, except for the obligatory swear words, so I don’t know a damn thing she’s saying. Except when spoken English appears. Typical French disco in which she giggles and breaths into the microphone. Again, anyone have a copy of this?
That girl next door she’s got a guy.

But I’m alone just skateboard and surf.
And I’m dreaming, of loving,
One whole night through.
But with who?
One whole night through
But I’m with who?
Yea, I’m sure Sissy and Jodi want to forget these.
Or, perhaps, they listen to them from time to time in smiling embarrassment - much as the rest of us all do when we see photos of ourselves when we thought we were cool, or see videos of ourselves singing or acting.
And, maybe that’s the way I’ll leave it. Remembered as an artifact from the past that we’re not overly excited to see or hear, but a part of us nonetheless and a statement of where we were at the time.
Addendum: I have been reading voraciously for these past months. So quickly do I read that no sooner do I read one then I begin another right away. I quickly forget just exactly what I've read! I'll keep track of them on this blog - if only for myself, but heck, see if you like any of them.
"Love In The Time Of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Best quote "Marriage is not about happiness, it's about stability".
"Ronnie the Autobiography" by Ronnie Wood. Debauchery, mayhem, art and music.
"An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness" by Kay Redfield Jamison. Unsettling, disturbing and acute insite as to what happens to those with this affliction. Very lush and well written.
"Deltora Quest" by Emily Rodda. All eight books. Kind of in the vein of fantasy/Harry Potter, that sort of thing. Suggested by my 13 year old son. Hey, I have to keep up with what he's reading, right?
"Born Standing Up : A Comic's Life" by Steve Martin. How he grew to be what he is today. Intelligently written and without all the drawn out details of childhood.
Many more, but as I read so quickly, I can't remember them all!